See the Features tour...
Version 6.7/6.8 features: - Enhanced extensions
Version 6.5/6.6 features: (details) - HTML5 support and events generation - Simple way for defining common styles for the entire site - Labels, tables, graphical labels, shapes with styles support for pieces of text - Ability to use only Web Safe fonts in the label editor - Ability to define header tags in labels (h1..h6) - Ability to ensure that labels will be rendered in browser exactly as they are in the editor - Styles preview in the editor
Version 6.0 features: (details) - 32 bit background transparency for layers - Infinity object - Dependencies for extensions - Ability to copy images among galleries - Ability to choose the PNG quality of images - Image settings panel for optimizing images - Zoom feature - More precise shapes - New selection management - Colors overlay for graphical objects - Slidepanel object + GfxMenu used as controller - Live property panel - New events - The Audio object has been updated
Version 5.9 features: - This version enhances the "Check for Updates" panel so customers of version 5.x will be able to download updates for the current version without having to purchase the latest 6.x version (when this will be released) - All gallery extensions have been enhanced with a new style
Version 5.8 features: (details) - Enhanced the input fields management - Filtering of HTML code inserted into labels - Added Interline and Character Spacing in labels - FTP dialogs have been enhanced
Version 5.7 features: (details) - HexBox extensions - The Page Properties dialog has been redesigned - Enhanced the Page background management in the editor - Enhanced the Properties Panel - Added the ability to customize many aspect of your Page: - Custom Code window also for the Page (and for the <body> tag) - Ability to hide IE image toolbar - Ability to setup custom Meta Tags - Ability to attach files to the page (javascripts, styles) - Ability to always show the Vertical Scrollbar (useful when centering the page) - Ability to setup Robots and cache options - Added the ability for the editor to automatically reduce the size of inserted images (in this way the editor works in a fast way, uses less memory and your .dhe files will be smaller; very useful when importing images taken from a digital camera; now you can import them directly into galleries or other without the need to first resize them ;-)) - Added the ability to setup advanced borders also for Pictures, Canvas, etc... - Added a text editor for setting up the Text of a TextArea input field - Added the "Image Reference" object for inserting animated gif into pages - Added the ability to modify images used for galleries (you can Rotate and Crop them on-the-fly) - Enhanced the response of the program when exporting big galleries - Extensions are now reloaded in an intelligent way, only when needed - Added the "menubar" multi-level menu object - Removed the IE security warning when previewing a page locally - Added support for many popular sites like youtube, picasa, myspace, facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc... - Added the ability to import combo/list items in a fast way - Added the ability to setup the position of the code generated by a HTML box - The HTML Import feature has been rewritten and now works with very good results ;-)
Version 5.6 features: - Ability to send Unicode emails from the PHP or ASP processor - CSV reader for the table object
Version 5.5 features: (details) - Code highlight in the HTML Editor - Validation for input fields - Ability to select and edit multiple points of poligons using mouse and keyboard - Extensions have been enhanced - Preload images for the GfxCanvas and GfxMenu objects - The RSS object has been enhanced - Files attached to object can be exported in a "custom folder" - Ability to copy the HTML code of a label "on-the-fly"
Version 5.0 features: (details) - Dashes and Caps - Overlays for graphical objects - Integrated FTP Client - Extensions - New template management - Transparent and Scrollable Layers - Date of Modify Object - Additional Components Window - New Label editor with RTL support - Form with integrated email support (with ASP or PHP processor)
Version 4.x features: - Search panel for the project manager - Ability to create only one .css file for the entire site - Ability to check and fix browser fonts zoom in generated pages - Ability to publish the site locally - Links/Events Window - Events/Effects/Stencils to the GfxMenu - IME support to the Label Editor - Ability to put HTML or Server Side code to Labels and Tables - Ability to customize the generated HTML code for objects - Ability to create encrypted PayPal buttons - The UNICODE support has been extended to every feature of the editor - File access with sophisticated cache support - Project manager with sub-folders and sub-projects - Master-Pages and Object reference for reusing code! - GfxCanvas object, a very powerful image editor with integrated rollover and rollclick support - GfxMenu object, create graphical menus in just no time - Intelligent export and publishing of project files - Polycurve and FilledCurve graphical shapes - Better Guide and Rule management - PayPal eCommerce tools - Integrated RSS Editor - Table Object - Vertical Reflection effect - New complex filling methods for shapes - Slide to Pic event action - Better Project publisher with Resume - Better Styles Window - Google SiteMap generator - Many and many more...
Version 3.x and/or previous: - W3C compliant html, xhtml code generation - Unicode Support - Support and generation of complex labels - Ability to create CSS1 pages and/or completely standard HTML pages - Great image files management - Ability to insert external .dhe files - Generation of dynamic (.htm, .xhtml, .php, .asp, .cfm, .jsp) cross-browser pages - Inclusion of any HTML code - 55+ Graphic Effects for pictures - Multilanguage support - Shadows - RollOver and RollClick - Site Manager (a.k.a. Project Manager) - Upload Manager - Batch Management - Forms and Input fields - Styles editor - Layers - Link wizard - Transparency support and management (PNG-8, PNG-32, GIF) - Shapes and Graphical Labels with complex filling methods - Page encoding, background effects, page effects, page icon - Sounds - Simple rotation of graphical objects - Importing of HTML pages - Layer alignment, center page - Guides - Unlimited page dimensions - Lock of size and position of objects - Auto Size for labels and graphical labels - Templates - Hotspot and Generic Object - Command Line Generation - Pre-made Javascripts - Slide Show Object
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